zondag 19 december 2010

Evaluation Ding 10

I am so glad that I am finally on the last Ding, it has been a lot more work than I expected. I would never have got so far without the help of Joke. I enjoy now being able to attach photos to my blog and when sending e-mails. Chatting I've been doing for years with friends around the world and will continue to do so, I think I might use aquabrowser now and again. I'm sure some of my colleagues will be able to use a lot of what they have been learning for their work but as I do not have much personal contact with customers (since self service) I doubt I'll be able to use much of what I have been learning except for myself.

Ding 9 Aqua Browser

Ik had aquabrowser gebruikt bij zoeken op de site van de bibliotheek in Amsterdam, maar begreep niet wat het precies was. Ik vind het erg hulpzaam, vooral voor studenten. Ik denk dat ik zal mischien wel eens gebruiken en zeker doorgeven aan  klanten en vrienden.

zaterdag 11 december 2010

Ding 8 Library Thing

I read for my pleasure  (in English) and making a catalogue of what I've read seems a lot like hard work. I read lots of differnet kinds of fiction, David Baldacci, Mary Higgins Clark, Anne Bennett but one book which has made a very big impression on me in the last year was A Friend like Henry by Nuala Gardner, it is about  an autistic child and how having a dog brought him out of  his isolation. I even read the book in Dutch, (couldn't wait till I could get a copy in English)and I laughed and cried as I read it (got some funny looks on the train). My son is autistic and I went through a lot of same things as Nuala and Dale, they live in the same area I come from in Scotland and on a visit home last year we met up, our sons even had a day out together
(Dale and Nuala Gardner)
I'd recommend this book to everyone and especially if you have a handicapped child. Dale is now a qualified nursery nurse(kleuter begeleider)and prefers to work with handicapped children.

vrijdag 10 december 2010

Ding 7 Sociale Netwerken

Lyle Hill Greenock Scotland (my favourite view in my home town)
I've been a member of Facebook for a while, but only use it to contact friends and family through messages and chat. I don't agree with people who have to tell everyone what they do every minute of every day. I also chat on Sue's Blether Board with people who come from the same area I do the on west coast of Scotland,(Greenock) but now live in many different parts of the world. I've attended many reunions in Scotland with these "friends"which makes it a lot more fun to chat when you have actually met them. another network is Friends Reunited and I found a friend I had lost contact with for over 25 years, we met up again 3 times in the last few years and he arranged for me to meet Gilbert O'Sullivan while he was here on tour.

donderdag 18 november 2010

Ding 6 Chatten

<IFRAME height=60 src="http://www.google.com/talk/service/badge/Show?tk=z01q6amlqdhr8ame56q1pjff0ovtpps5nft4adh720lkdvb6fjpcr4krj26ve00spf006u614qde7ujbfnpk0egkjij69lnvqq07lcg0lfd33v8knjo0g91kp0a6n55gl8fqqhe1k55ir4g76ee9rnu34ogerrqh4am00b631&amp;w=200&amp;h=60" frameBorder=0 width=200 allowTransparency></IFRAME>

Hope I've followed all the instructions to add this chat possibility to my blog, will have to wait and see if it works. I chat daily with friends all over the world, but how I'd ever use it for my work I have no idea.

I've tried it out and it does work

zaterdag 13 november 2010

Ding 5 Twitter

Ik vind het niet nodig dat iedereen weet wat ik ga doen en wanneer. Ik hou kontakt met mijn famiile en vrienden via e-mail, brieven schrijven en chatten op Sue's Blether Board en af en toe op Facebook.
Zijn de penguins aan het Twitteren

Ding 4 Google Docs

Ik heb nu ding 4 Google Docs geprobeerd en het is uiteindelijk gelukt om een doc te sharen over mij favourite vakantie bestemmingen. Ik denk niet dat ik dit ooit zou gebruiken met mijn dagelijks werk. Het was wel interessant om te horen van andere colleagues hun favourite bestemmingen.